Only Slui and Slui 3 are still working, but they don't help.

That also worked on a newly installed computer with direct Creator's Update, otherwise I could not have activated it. For me (Anniversary with Creator's Update) it works without problems with "slui 4".Is anyone aware of this? I couldn't find out anything about it. Even after a clean install, it doesn't work. Key is original and was migrated from Win7 Pro as part of the upgrade campaign. Since then my Windows has not been activated. I received an update from 1703 to 1709 a few weeks ago.But the option to activate by phone does not appear at all! I hope you have a trick ready.

I tried it already with the command prompt and the command "slui 4". Unfortunately there is no way to do this. Worried about the Microsoft download tool I got a product key in the bay, which I should activate by phone. Since the installed Win 8.1 did not work properly, I installed Win 10.