
Killing floor 2 survivalist class
Killing floor 2 survivalist class

killing floor 2 survivalist class

Now let's say it was a medic and two commandos. So what do I do? Hedge my bets and make it a medic and 3 survivalists.

killing floor 2 survivalist class

I can probably guess that I don't need to be medic again, but how do I know if being big zed killer or trash clearer is more beneficial? I don't. Let's say I join in a public game and I see a medic and 2 survivalists. Yeah, the thing with what Survivalist sounds like is that I really can't tell what they're supposed to be doing just by looking at them. Lots of us were really hopeful for that Mad Scientist perk. More than a little disappointing, especially considering all of the datamined lines for each character referencing electric weapons. Not to mention the fact that this seems like a cop-out for a final perk, no new weapons or skills, just "fuck it, make your own damn perk". The chances of getting the balance right on something this radically different from everything they've released up to this point are next to none considering the game hit its peak for balance only just last month, despite releasing early access in April 2015. It'll either be so powerful that you might as well not pick any dedicated perk when this can do a bit of everything or it'll be so weak from lacking any sort of specialization or direction that is isn't particularly good at anything. Or joining a server with 5 survivalists and having no idea what your team composition could possibly be or what you should spawn as, because for all you know they could all be gunslinger-demolitionist-firebug hybrids. Especially given that this will be what a bunch of the brand new players pick because they think they know what they're doing, then joining high difficulty servers and dragging their team down with a mess of a perk. The way they describe this perk as being able to "effectively" use any weapon in the game and presumably choose whatever grenade they want (the article mentions being able to pick Medic grenades as an example) sounds like an utter mess for balance and gameplay. Something like the Trench Gun or Medic Shotgun working for Support or the M4-203 working for the Commando, etc. If cross-perk weapon functionality was the concern, it would have been a much better idea to make weapons of similar types work for perks that they would make sense to work with, much like other posts on the subreddit have suggested. Obviously nobody will know ho it actually plays until it's released (and then rendered balanced/playable months later) but what I read about it now seems really wrong, like against what the idea behind the Perks system is supposed to be. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, The Survivalist is the announced 10th, and possibly final, perk for KF2.

Killing floor 2 survivalist class