Use the same information in the serverconfig.xml file and in the Server Manager. Enable either Telnet or Webconsole in your serverconfig.xml file and in the Server Manager (Telnet is the preferred method). Configure the Port and Password.Run the setup and install the Server Manager.Users not given a permission level in this file will have a default permission level of 1000!Ĭmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.-Please note development of this Server Manager has ceased. Permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level. The config file itself explains in details about each command. Each permissions activates something different, it is up to you if you want them turned on. If any permissions in the file have make sure they are removed so the command is activated. Next you have to sort out permissions and there is no right way or wrong way to do this, it all depends if you have moderators on your server or not or plan to have more than one admin. Now that the has been removed, and the Steam 64 ID code has been entered. Please note in the config file EVERYTHING BETWEEN IS COMMENTED OUT! And is not active on the server so you have to edit the file slightly. Once you have obtained your Steam 64 ID, you can continue on.

You require your Steam 64 ID, which can be obtained from Restart the server if you did not turn it off prior to this. Once you have edited the file, make sure to click save.

Select text editor on the Serveradmincustom.XML file. Login to your control panel, and click configuration files. It is recommended to stop the server when making changes to the configuration file to ensure that they save properly. You can edit the Admin permissions file, which is location in the Configuration Files.